Protect Your Retail Business and Maximize Revenue this Holiday Season
As the holiday season and 2024 grow near, retail businesses can expect an uptick in sales. Holiday spending is expected to reach record highs this November and December, forecasting in the realm of $957.3 and $966.6 billion. However, with this increase in transactions, there also comes an increased threat of fraud and chargebacks.
We’ve covered chargebacks before, but as a refresher, a chargeback is a transaction that has been disputed and returned by the cardholder or issuing bank. A chargeback reverses a credit card transaction and withdraws funds that were previously deposited into a bank account. If you are a retail business owner looking to maximize revenue, it is imperative that you look to mitigate chargebacks especially during the holiday season.
The Retail Chargeback Guide
Fortunately, Fortis is here to help! In our latest piece, Chargeback Guide: Fraud Prevention Tips for Retail Businesses, we discuss the best practices and tips for your business to take to mitigate chargebacks. You can expect to learn:
• The different types of chargebacks that exist
• Best practices for chargeback prevention
• Tips on how to protect your business against fraud
• Information on the chargeback process with Fortis
Start Maximizing Your Revenue with Fortis
Ready to start maximizing your revenue and protecting your business against chargebacks, this holiday season and beyond? Download our Chargeback Guide and consider reaching out to Fortis for more information about our retail payment solutions. Happy Holidays!